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Projet 1709 ....... Guatemala

  • Domaine :


  • Région :

    Amérique Centrale

  • Pays :


Le projet:

Dans le village de Monterrey au Guatemala, pour desservir plus de 3000 personnes et deux écoles, forage d'un puits profond de 500 pieds, installation d'une pompe submersible de 25 forces et construction d'une tour métallique de 20 mètres de hauteur supportant un réservoir à eau de 40,000 gallons, le tout relié au système de tuyauterie existant.   

La demande: 

18 février 2016

Jean, Fatima,

Joyeux vendredi!!! J'espère que tout va bien.
Il y a quelques jours, je vous parlais au sujet d'un projet d'eau au Guatemala où nous avions l'espoir qu'une entreprise sucrière locale porterait une partie du fardeau financier. Malheureusement, ils ont décidé qu'ils ne pouvaient pas participer à ce projet ce qui nous laissa avec un trou financier  de $ 47,000.00.
Suite à cette situation, Water Mission a décidé de fournir gratuitement les frais d'évaluation d'où une économie d'environ $ 4,600.00.
Le Club Rotary Edina  croit avoir localisé un autre $ 20,000.00 à $ 22,000.00, ce qui nous laisse avec un manque d'environ $ 20,000.00. 
Quand nous nous sommes parlé, vous avez indiqué que vous seriez d'accord de nous aider à trouver une partie des fonds manquants. 
Le Club International pour ce projet est Le Club Rotary d' Edina (Minnesota) et notre contact dans ce Club est Gary Pederson. 
Pourriez-vous S.V.P contacter Gary pour déterminer comment vous pouvez aider.
J'inclus en pièces jointes un aperçu du projet et du budget afin que vous puissiez vous familiariser avec ce dossier. 
La municipalité et la communauté sont très engagées dans ce projet d'envergure et nous avons en main les protocoles d'entente signés.
Si vous avez des questions, je vous invite à me contacter.


Jay Cook,
Water Mission
Directeur des Programmes Internationaux Rotary Proposal.docx

Pour plus d'informations sur le projet, s'il vous plaît se référer au texte (Background) sous le Montage financier.

Montage financier:

Nombre de bénéficiaires 3000+
Bénéficiaires cumulatifs (FCC)  120 938
Coût total du projet $ 308,000.00
La Fondation Rotary $ 133,000.00
District Rotary 5950 $ 45,000.00
Divers Clubs Rotary $ 118,700.00
Club Rotary Lakewood Ranch $ 5,000.00
Club Rotary de Montréal   $ 2,100.00
Fondation Louise Grenier $ 2,100.00
Fondation Coup de Coeur $ 2,100.00


A team of humanitarians, Bill and Alberta Messer and Patrick Smythe, have been advocating for safe water and sanitation in the Escuintla area of Guatemala for several years. Patrick’s background is an Environmental and Urban Planning Engineer, Alberta is a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, and Bill Messer is an Industrial Water Treatment Engineer and Chemist, and all three live near Winthrop, Maine. Alberta and Patrick had been to the region many times doing medical relief work. Alberta frequently observed that the children and mothers she treated during her time on these trips were suffering from diarrhea and other preventable illnesses caused by lack of safe water and poor hygiene and sanitation practices. 
In May of 2013, Patrick, Bill and Alberta formed the nucleus of what is called the Guatemala Water and Sanitation Project, (GWASP) and recruited a Guatemala Team made up of three engineers and headed by Padre Emilton Gonzales. Their goal was to first determine if contaminated water and unsuitable sanitation could be the major cause of the repeated maladies, high rate of infant mortality and a shortened life expectancy. 
The initial step was to do a Community Assessment by testing the drinking water from homes and schools for bacterial contamination and conducting a detailed survey (WHO,UNICEF based) on sanitation practices from those patients that were seen and treated at the medical clinic. 
The tests results and survey data concluded that almost all of the water sources tested were indeed contaminated and that most of the sanitation practices were well below safe standards.
Alberta and Bill began researching international organizations focused on water and sanitation in developing countries and learned of Water Missions International (WMI). They approached Water WMI in spring of 2014 regarding the lack of safe water in the Escuintla region of Guatemala. Initially, Water Missions provided some technical consulting and asked the Maine team to begin gathering more information about the region and potential partnerships, to determine the feasibility of funding a project there.
Over the next several months, the Messer’s and GWASP team worked to complete a fairly comprehensive project application and submitted it to WMI in August 2014. The original project request included two towns in the Escuintla municipality, El Pilar and El Arenal, and the town of La Democracia. Once this was reviewed, WMI began planning to send a group of our engineers to conduct a technical assessment of the region from our Honduras and Mexico offices. 
Meanwhile, the Messer’s were invited to join the Winthrop Area Rotary Club and through the Rotary network and a family connection came to know the Covington Rotary Club of Covington, LA. Bryan Hall, District Governor Elect of the Covington RC, was interested to join forces with the Messers’ and the Winthrop Area Rotary Club to work towards a Global Grant application that will address the needs for safe water and sanitation in these communities.