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Projet 1372 ....... Lesotho

Young women learn how to use a sewing machine and how to make decorations
Young women learn how to use a sewing machine and how to make decorations
Centre de formation de couture pour les jeunes femmes
Centre de formation de couture pour les jeunes femmes
Mrs ‘Mantsenki Mphalane from the  Ministry of Social Development
Mrs ‘Mantsenki Mphalane from the Ministry of Social Development
Sr. Faustina (80 ans) entourée de ses apprenties
Sr. Faustina (80 ans) entourée de ses apprenties
  • Domaine :


  • Région :


  • Pays :


le projet:

Offrir du matériel pour le centre de couture pour la formation des jeunes femmes dans le besoin.

Dear Sr Theresa,
May the Glory of the Risen Christ shine on you,
This is a report on the funds amounting to M4,185.00 that was allocated for the efforts of Sr Faustina which was received. Since Sr joined us at Good Shepherd Centre, she has made a big impact on the lives of young mothers that are enrolled at the Centre. Actually, handicraft work she does with them is one of the most cost-effective in the sense that with a few metres and beads they are able to come up with beautiful goods that are easy and rewarding. These finished materials are commonly used in the cars (cushions) at home. A number of our graduates are said to have started their own small business with this acquired skills and knowledge.
Therefore, we are very grateful that you managed to secure this funding from bountiful hands of Mr Jean Gagnon. Please extend our sincere thanks to him.
On the 27th September, 2013 there was a market day organize in favour of vocational works done at the Centre and as it is indicated, Sr Constancia Mosakeng the Provincial superior, government officials, some members of Board and the public were present to acknowledge the role that the Centre plays at Ha Makujoe, particularly the hard work of Sr Faustina as a senior instructor.
Attached are pictures and receipts of materials purchased with the donation.
Thankfully yours,
Sr Jacintha Rantšo

Nombre de bénéficiaires 10 personnes
Coût total du projet $ 500.00
Fondation Coup de Coeur   $ 500.00